TL;DR It’s all about the User eXperience, design and making software fit you, and not the other way around.
I’m an amateur radio operator. as all hams, we are required to save a log of our contacts with other people. besides the legalities, it’s nice to have a record of places & people I’ve talked with. when I’ve started my hobby, some 30 years back, I received a paper logbook which I’ve been using untill recently, and I’ve been very happy with it.
I’ve been thinking of using a computerized logbook software, but to be honest, I really had no incentive. pen and paper were good enough for me. plus, the ones I’ve tried to use (out of the thousands out there) left me with a horrible experience. i consider my self as a savvy computer user, but most of the programs I’ve tried had a “designed by an engineer” look and feel, which in this day and age is simply a crime.
Continue reading why i decided to write yet another ham radio logbook software →