As a young engineer I was writing image processing real-time embedded software for a living. we used the DSP chips for all they could offer, and used to rewrote parts of the algorithms in assembly so we can shave off a few cycles per pixel and squese out a bit more of proccessor power.
recently i’ve been writeing a piece of software for my High Altitude Balloon. the original code was written in C and bash, but was hard to manage. so for this release I used python as the programming language. for most used this is a great choise. it’s robust, easy to write and debug, and a pleassure to use it’s flexible data stractures.
while python it not concidered a “fast” language due to the use of an interpreter, it was quite all right for most of my not-so-ergent needs.
but then I got a piece of code that converts a data stream to audio file that is transmitted back to ground. when I needed to send a large image file, this modem took several minutes to do the jobs. this was not ok. so I started to dig into the code to see what’s going on.
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